Hades & Persephone
After many retellings of the myth of Hades and Persephone, it has become skewed. Some versions may include Cupid as the reason why Hades fell in love with Persephone. Other stories say that Hades abducted her for evil reasons. This is because there are always two sides to a story. In this case, there could be a Roman version and a Greek version. There may be multiple perspectives as well. If you look at the story from Persephone’s perspective, Hades will seem evil. If you look at the myth from Hades perspective on the other hand, Hades might actually be in love with Persephone. Also, as people retell the story and pass it down, they might change bits of it, due to their own opinions. This is the same with rumors: when a rumor has been retold many times, there are bound to be a lot of different versions of the story.