Hades & Persephone

Hades / Pluto:

Hades/Pluto is the husband of Persephone, the God of the Underworld and the King of the dead. He is  also the God of wealth, because there are many precious metals found in the Earth. Hades has two brothers, Zeus and Poseidon. The three brothers split their rule, and Hades had to rule the Underworld. (They drew lots to decide who ruled what.) Contrary to popular belief, Hades is not the God of death; that is another God named Thanatos.
Hades is the typical antagonist who is greedy and selfish. However, the antagonist, like Hades, usually has a sad past or is the victim. (In this case, Hades is a victim of Cupid's arrow.)
[From Hades perspective]

Persephone / Proserpine

A beautiful maiden who is Demeter's only source of joy and often referred to as "the maiden of spring." She made the flowers blossom and the birds sing, so naturally she is the Goddess of spring. She brought life and happiness to Demeter's heart; without her, Demeter's heart was no longer whole and her lips never sung. Persephone's beauty grew beyond compare of even a Goddess that caught the eyes of Hades, the ruler of the underworld. Although Persephone was freed from an eternity of torture and grief, she still carried with her memories of the underworld that would haunt her forever . 
Persephone is seen in many popular books today, such as the Percy Jackson books.
[From Persephone's persepctive]

Demeter / Ceres

Demeter/Ceres is the Goddess of  harvest and agriculture. She is the mother of Persephone (whose father happens to be Zeus). Demeter  causes the seasons, for when her daughter was taken away, she cursed the land and made it so that nothing could grow. When Persephone returns, Demeter lifts the curse, and life begins to grow again. During Persephone's stay in the underworld, winter occurs, showing Demeter's sadness.


Brother of Hades and Poseidon, Zeus/Jupiter/Jove is the son of Kronos, also known as Cronus. Kronos, not wanting to lose power, tried to eat all of his sons. Instead of being eaten though, Zeus was rescued by his mother who fed Kronos a rock. Later on, Zeus beat his father, beginning the age of the Gods. Zeus became the God of the sky and also the king of Gods. As shown in the picture, his weapon is a lightning bolt. Though he is married to Hera, Zeus had many affairs with other women. 
Many characters in literature today has been based of Zeus and his great power. Most protagonists have many of the qualities that Zeus possesses.


Eros/Cupid  is the God of affection and love. He has the power to make someone fall in love with the first people they see, by shooting them with his arrow. Eros/Cupid has a baby-like structure. His Greek name is Eros, and his roman name, more commonly used and known, is Cupid. He is the son of Aphrodite/Venus. He has different fathers depending on Greek/Roman mythology. 
Cupid is mentioned in many great works of literature and his Roman name, Cupid is well-known even today. There are also many famous works of art, such as sculptures and paintings of Cupid.